Tips and Tricks for the Listings Page

Tips and Tricks for the Listings Page

I. Setting up the Listings Page Filters and Grid

On this page you can view all the products that have been listed on eBay.

1. Adding extra columns to the Listings grid

To add extra columns to the listings grid, click on Settings - located on the top right corner of the screen

After clicking on Settings, you will be able to select which columns you would like to display on the grid by simply ticking the boxes in front of the column names

2. Adding Filters to the Listings Page

You can select filters that you can use to search for products that match certain conditions. 

To add filters to the page, you will have to click on the Settings button located on the top right the screen:

On the lower part of the pop-up, you will be able to select which filters you'd like to use on the page:

Once selected, click save and the filters should appear on the top of the Listings page.

II. Reimport Details from eBay 

You can reimport details from eBay by selecting the listings and going to the Actions drop-down and clicking on Reimport

After clicking on Reimport, you will be able to select what details would you like to import from eBay:

After clicking on start, you will be asked if you would like to download a backup of the current product data before reimporting the details from eBay. 
It is recommended that you only continue after downloading the backup, and then a process will start with a notification on the top right of the screen.

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