The new User Manager in Ad-Lister

The new User Manager in Ad-Lister

With the latest update 1.8.4 we will be rolling out our new User Management panel that will allow you to invite members of your team to join Ad-Lister.

You can invite new users to join your Ad-Lister account by going to Settings --> Invite others

You can also invite users to join your Ad-Lister account from the User Manager panel that is located in Tools & Reports.

You can change User roles by simply clicking on the User role in the Change Role column.
User roles Explained:
User - this role has access to all of the account features with the exception of the User Management panel.
Product Editor - product Editors can only access the products page and Edit/create products. They do not have the ability to list or end any listings. Product Editors can Import and Export products using CSV files.
Product Loader - the product loader can only create products through the Ad-Lister interface and cannot edit or delete any existing listings. The product loader also cannot Import/Export products using CSV files.

Please Note:
Invitations will expire after 3 days, but you can simply resend the invitations by clicking on the Resend button.
To delete invitations, please click on the delete button in the Invited team members section.

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