Listing on Amazon

Listing on Amazon

First you have to connect Amazon platform but assuming that's already done lets get started on preparing the products to be listed.

1. Go to Products and select one or multiple products that are in the same category.
2. After selecting go to Platform Actions and -->Assign/Unassign Amazon Type 

3. Make sure you select everything and then press Assign type

4. When you are done with Assigning you can go back and Edit the product and click on Amazon Details on the left to check if you need to fill anything like Country of Origin(mandatory).

5. Now that everything is set up Select the products you want to Post  and click Platform Actions -> Post to Amazon

6. Select which Amazon platform you want it to be posted and select what information you want to post.

If every field was selected/filled with correct information the product will be posted to Amazon.

Mandatory fields also include Valid EAN number, Brand, MPN(manufacturer part number)

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