Before you get started
Useful details that you need know before you start listing on Amazon using Ad-Lister
Maximum 150-200 characters long depending on category, maximum 80 characters are displayed on mobile devices, search phrases must be included in the title.
Has the main description, plus five bullet pointed fields, each one can have up to 250 characters.
Identifiers Required:
SKU, EAN, MPN (if available), Brand, attach to an existing ASIN where available.
Look up similar products and select category based on their ABSR (Amazon Best Seller Rank). Amazon Categories assign an Amazon Type to your product that will then define what Attributes are required.
Attributes are based on what Type the product has and they vary from one type to another. You cannot list on Amazon without populating the Mandatory Attributes. Mandatory attributes are: Brand, Manufacturer Part Number, item Weight, Length, Height, Width, Bullet Points , and more.
Variation products:
Check if the selected category allows variations, the variation values and number of options are set by Amazon for example Colour = Blue.
7 images maximum (6+1 main image). The product must fill 85% of the picture, at least 1000px on the longest side and 500px on the shortest.
Postage Types:
4 domestic and 2 international delivery options.
Offers returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery, three delivery attempts
on consecutive days before returning package to amazon for a refund.
Selling Requirements:
Individual account or Professional Account.
Connect your Amazon store with Ad-Lister
In order to Connect your Amazon store with Ad-Lister, you will have to go to Settings (on the top menu) and click on Platforms:
Here you can click on the Add button under the Amazon Logo:
After clicking on Add, you will be taken to the Amazon Platform page, where you will have to:
1. Give you Amazon platform a name
2. Select the Amazon Marketplace to which you would like to connect (UK, US, DE, IT, CA, etc.)
3. The Seller ID field will auto-fill once you click on Connect and go through the platform connection process
4. Connect - once clicking on connect, you will have to authorise Ad-Lister to connect with your Amazon account.
Once the connection has been set up, you will have to click on Save on the bottom of the page.
After this, Ad-Lister will check your Amazon store to see if you have already posted some products that you have in Ad-Lister and it will link them based on the SKU.
Getting your products ready to be listed on Amazon
If you are selling popular products, then there might be a chance that they are already listed on Amazon, meaning that you can simply piggy-back on listings available in the Amazon catalogue.
Check if your products already exist in the Amazon catalogue
1. In Ad-Lister, go to the Products page and select all of your products (by ticking the box in front of the total number of products you have)
2. Go to the Amazon Drop-down and select Check ASIN availability
After clicking on the Check ASIN Availability option, a process will start that will scan your Ad-Lister inventory and find matching products on Amazon based on the EAN/UPC number and those products will show up with a green Amazon logo on them, meaning that they are ready to be listed on Amazon.
My products are not in the Amazon catalogue
If your products are not in the Amazon catalogue, then you will have add the required details to the products and list them on Amazon using Ad-Lister.
1. Add the Amazon category to the product
The first step when it comes to listing products on Amazon using Ad-Lister is to Assign an Amazon Category to the products.
You can assign an Amazon category to a product individually, by editing the product and selecting the category from the Amazon section:
You can assign Amazon categories to products in Bulk by selecting the products on the Products page and then clicking on the Amazon drop-down and selecting Bulk Edit Platform Details:
Once you have added the Amazon Categories to the products, the next step would be adding the Amazon Attributes, along with the separate Amazon pricing and Bullet points (that can be added from the product edit screen)
2. Adding the Amazon Attributes
The Amazon attributes can be added to listings by clicking on the AA available on the product grid after assigning the Amazon Category to the product or you can add the Attributes in Bulk using the BULK editor available in the Amazon Drop-down.

Please note that the required attributes vary from one Amazon Type to the other and it would be best to see on Amazon which attributes are required when listing products in a certain category
Amazon Attributes will show on the product only after adding the Amazon Type.
3. Adding Variations
You can add variations to your listings in Ad-Lister by clicking on the AV or Amazon variations tab when editing a product.

Before adding variations to your products, please note that not all Amazon categories support variations, and the ones that do, only support specific variations to the categories such as Colour, Size, Material.
Listing your products on Amazon
After adding all the required details to the products, you can then try to list them on Amazon by simply selecting them on the product grid, and then clicking on the Amazon drop-down and selecting Post to "Your Amazon platform name".
This will start a process that will run in the background (it will be visible on the top right of the screen) that will try to push your products on to Amazon.

If the Amazon logo is added to your products with it's original colours, it means that your product has been successfully listed on Amazon.
If the Amazon logo is red, it means that the product did not get listed on Amazon because of some errors on the product. To list the products on Amazon, you will have to click on the red Amazon logo, read the error message and add the missing information to the product.