Image Settings

Image Settings

Where can I change my image settings?


You can change your image settings by going to Images -> Image settings

There are two main settings that you can adjust:

 1. Image Resolution

You can set the resolution of the images that will be uploaded (i.e. if you upload a larger image, Ad Lister will automatically downsize it to the chosen resoution)

NOTE: We recommend uploading larger pictures, as they can be downsized afterwards, whenever uploading them to Ad-Lister. If you were to upload a smaller resolution image, it will be unaltered.

2. Image quality

The perfect quality setting for your images depends upon the detail, colour, and contrast of your images, as well as the user-experience you're aiming to achieve. Some images can be compressed further without obvious loss in quality, while others begin to show JPEG artifacts much sooner.
NOTE: Higher quality images look better, however, they use more disk space. We would recommend leaving this setting on “Medium”, as it’s a good balance between quality and disk space used.

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