How to use Filters on the Products Page in Ad-Lister

How to use Filters on the Products Page in Ad-Lister

How to access the filters?
First, go to the Product page and follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings - that is located above the Product grid
2. After clicking on Settings you will be able to select from the variety of filters that are available in Ad-Lister

Where can you see the selected filters and what do they do?

After you've selected the filters you want to use, the next step would be to use them.

1. Search by using the Product Title/SKU/product ID
2. Filter by using the date when the products were created
3. Filter by using category that you have in your store
4. Filter by using and eBay category
5. Filter by using specific Listing Templates used when posting a product
6. Assign product/platform-specific tags to products, that you can later use to filter ->
7. Select product tags of the products that you don't want to see after filtering
8. Each product that's posted to Amazon has an Amazon Type in their Edit product section ->
9. Select a platform on which you have products posted
10. It works like the Tag section where you can assign Product Types to products to update their information when assigning Type.
11. Choose products from a specific price range
12. Here you can select products that have been marked as Not Lister/ Listed/ Failed to List/ etc...

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