Getting started with using Ad-Lister

Ad-Lister Quick Start Guide

I. Getting started

 Thank you for choosing Ad-Lister! This guide will help you quickly set up your account so you can listing new and existing products across multiple sales channels!

1. Connect one or more platforms

The first step after logging in is to connect a Platform 

Linking one or multiple sales platforms enables you to unlock the capabilities of Ad-Lister. Without establishing a connection to a sales platform, you won't be able to generate products in Ad-Lister. This is because Ad-Lister generates the available product information fields based on the platforms you establish a connection with.

The trial allows you to connect the following sales channels with Ad-Lister (to see the full list of supported channels, please visit this page):

To connect your sales channels with Ad-Lister so you can start listing:

  1. Click on the Connect [Platform Name]  button
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your store
The specific connection steps will differ from selling channel to selling channel.

2. Import products from the platforms

Once you have connected a platform, you will be asked if you would like to import existing products from that specific sales channel. 


Importing products into Ad-Lister is always a good way to start the trial, however you can manually create products in Ad-Lister and list those on to the connected sales channels.

By default, Ad-Lister will ask you if you would like to import 25 products from the channel that you have connected, you can change that to any number up to 100. 
Please note that the maximum products you're allowed to have in Trial mode is 100.
You can continue to add sales channels here or move on to the next step. You can always add more sales channels later by going to Platforms--> Add More --> Select Platform

3. Go to My Dashboard

The dashboard provides an overview of your Ad-Lister account and listing information. It allows you to view and manage your listings, track their stock levels, and access various tools and resources related that can help you improve your listings.

The dashboard displays important information such as how many of your products are listed, recent activity, and performance statistics. It also includes features such as the ability to optimise and edit listings, view reports and analytics, and access customer support. The Ad-Lister dashboard is designed to be a convenient and central location for users to manage their Ad-Lister account and listings.

By clicking on the i icon on the dashboard you can get access to the latest help articles, create support tickets and request assistance via Live Chat

4. Create new products

Once you are on your dashboard, you will be able to create new products by hovering the mouse over the Products section on the top menu and by clicking on Add Product.

Or alternatively, you can create a product by going to the Products page and clicking on the Add Product button.

If you have an eBay account connected, you will be then taken to a screen where you will have to select the eBay category where you would like to list the product and then you can continue to the product creation form where you will be asked to input information such as product Title, Description, Price, Quantity, Store category, etc.

To learn about how you can create products by cloning existing ones and uploading CSV files, please visit this page.

II. Marketplace essentials

1. eBay

After connecting Ad-Lister with eBay you will have to set up a couple of options in Ad-Lister that will help you quickly and seamlessly list your products on eBay. 

Set up your Listing Templates 

Listing templates in Ad-Lister house the Template Design and eBay Business Policies that you want to use when creating a new eBay listing. 
If you have multiple Business Policies on eBay, we recommend creating multiple Listing Templates to accommodate the variety of Policies. 

To create a listing template, follow these steps:
  1.  Go to Listings -> Listing Templates.
  2. Click on “Add listing template” and fill out the required information.
  3. When you’re done, click on “Create“.

You can also select one template that will be set as default. This specific template will automatically be used by all of your future listings.
If you want to edit an existing listing template, go to Listings -> Listing Templates and click edit.
You can also delete or clone an existing listing template, by accessing the drop-down menu on top of the page.
To learn more about listing templates, please read this article.

Creating an eBay Listing Design

Using design templates on eBay listings can offer several benefits to sellers, including: Improved visual appeal:
  1. A well-designed template can make a listing more visually appealing and professional, which can help to attract more buyers.
  2. Consistency: Using a template can help to ensure that all of your listings have a consistent look and feel, which can help to build trust and credibility with buyers.
  3. Efficiency: Creating a listing from scratch can be time-consuming. Using a template can save you time and effort by providing a pre-designed layout that you can customise with your own product and business information.
  4. Customisation options: Many of our templates offer a range of customisation options, such as different colour schemes and fonts, which can allow you to create a unique and personalised look for your listings.
Overall, using design templates on eBay can help to improve the appearance and effectiveness of your listings, making it easier to attract and retain customers.

You can create beautiful listing designs using the built-in template builder in Ad-Lister, just simply hover the mouse over Design on the top menu and click on Listing template builder.
Once opened, you will be able to choose from a variety of pre-built designs and customise them to your liking. For a more detailed guide, please have a look at this article

Applying the Listing Design to existing and new listings

You can apply a new design to existing eBay listings by importing them into Ad-Lister and then simply assigning the design to the Listing Template associated with the listing.
Find out more about how to assign a new design to existing listings here.

Optimise your listings for eBay

In order to list products on eBay, you will need to add the following details to your products:Product Title, Unique SKU, Description, Price, Stock, Images, EAN number, Business Policies, Item Specifics (that vary from one eBay category to the other).

We know that's a lot of information to keep track of,  that's why we have built our eBay Product Analysis widget (that can be found on your Dashboard). 

The widget analyses your products, picking up the missing details that are preventing you from getting more sales in. The widget picks up missing images, issues with the titles, products with missing EAN numbers and of course, products that are missing item Specifics. Then the widget categorises them based on eBay's requirements and what users search by:

  1. Mandatory - this Item Specific is Mandatory and without it you cannot list the product on eBay.
  2. Recommended - this Item Specific is used by users when searching for similar products and can help your listing rank higher in the search results.
  3. Additional - additional Item Specifics which you consider important

2. Amazon

Listing your products on Amazon can take up a lot of time, especially if you are trying to create products from scratch. 

Ad-Lister saves you time by letting you list your products on Amazon using the information you already have in our software,  such as the Title, Description, Images, Attributes and more. 
Once you have imported your products from other sales channels, you can quickly edit them in bulk and get them ready to be listed on Amazon within minutes. 

Assigning Amazon Types

In order to list a product from Ad-Lister to Amazon, you will have to assign an Amazon Type to the product.
The Amazon Type in Ad-Lister hold the information regarding the Main Amazon Type,  Subtype and the Amazon BTG (Category tree)  

Mandatory information to list on Amazon

Once an Amazon account has been connected with Amazon, the Amazon data fields will become available within the product Edit section:

Additional information that you might need to list on Amazon varies from one Amazon Type to the other and includes: an EAN number, Brand, Manufacturer Part Number, Battery type, etc.
Please view this guide to see how you to list your products on Amazon. 

3. Etsy

Once you connect your Etsy store with Ad-Lister, the Etsy fields will be visible on the Product Edit page
You are required to add the following information to the Etsy details:
  1. When it was made
  2. Who made it
  3. Etsy Category
  4. Delivery (Shipping template ID)

There rest of the details such as the title, price, description, images will be added from the main product details. 
If you want, you can add separate prices and quantities into the available Etsy price and QTY fields.

4. WooCommerce/Shopify/Magento

Posting to websites from Ad-Lister is quite simple, all you have to do is to link up your eCommerce website to Ad-Lister, add some optional details - let's say you would like to have different prices on your website or if you would like to list different quantities, then there are available fields for those in the Product Edit page.

You can also assign specific categories available on your website to the products in Ad-Lister.

To fin your more on how you can use Ad-Lister with other platforms, please feel free to contact us, or Book a free Demo 

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